Natural Upgrade
Celofiber Technology is a branch and business unit of Celotech Chemical Group. Celofiber is concentrating on developing, producing and marketing of cellulose fiber products to several industries.
Most Popular Application
Building Industry
Celofiber has long been used in construction chemical industry, like in Plaster, tile adhesives, grouting for gypsum plasterboard, glue and reinforcing compounds for thermal insulation systems, joint fillers, bituminous products, PU and epoxy resin floor coverings etc.
Road Construction
Celotech produces cellulose fibres and offers just the right product for stabilization of bitumen rich and highly stable asphalt mixtures.
Main Products
Celotech is producing different types of cellulose fiber, from the color, we producing white, yellowish and grey.
Celofiber® is a brand of Celotech Chemical. Celofiber means cellulose fiber, is a powdery to fibrous cellulose additive for use in many industries.
Celofiber White
Celofiber Yellow
Celofiber Grey
Popular Products
Celofiber White
Celofiber White
Celofiber White
Celofiber White
Celofiber White
Celofiber Grey
Celofiber Grey
Celofiber Grey
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Celofiber Business Unit is a branch company of Celotech Chemical. You may contact with Celotech Headquarter for all the services and support.
Weier Road, Songmen Chemical Park, Wuqiao, Cangzhou, China
ChinaMondayto Friday.
8:00-17:0086 512 6631 5208
Tag: Cellulose fiber, celofiber,anti-creacking agent,celotech,drymix mortar,tile adhesive,plaster,anti-sagging,anti-slip
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